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Two Brother part II

Gudmund and Arne were both Christian gentlemen that worked hard and led their families in Gods way. When I was six years old my sister Nancy and I visited Uncle Gudmund and Aunt Dorothy. My sister and I were on the couch in the living room. I heard my uncle Gudmund reading his Bible aloud and praying loudly with my aunt. These two brothers were not ashamed of their spiritual commitments. When I was in my early twenties and travelling in Europe and singing in various Christian settings I remember my father talking to me abouit Christians that compromise. He emphasized the importance of keeping that close open channel to thge Holy Spirit. He told me clearly every choice we make affects that relationship. Loving God with all our hearts means...all. He said again.."Don't let anyone talk you out of your convictions and beliefs". He always emphasized the deep love of God that fills our hearts when we do what is right. He made me promise him that no matter what other Christians did that I would not touch alcohol. What an amazing experience I had when in a restaurant in Holland with a group of Christians having dinner, I simply said "no Thank-you" when offered wine. It was as if I had dropped a bomb..Reactio! "why?'etc. I simply said "i PROMISED MY FATHER TO NEVER TOUCH IT" Immediately calm...then respect...then "you are lucky to have someone in your life who cares". I have forever been grateful that I can say I also kept my promise to my Dad. I have only been in every conceivable way blessed because of it. The anointing of the Holy Spirit in one's life comes with a cost. That cost is full surrender...Smith Wiggelsworth the famous 19-20th century evangelist said .."I've never seen a man use liquor and keep the anointing....I've never seen a man use tobacco and keep the anointing". The anointing of the Holy  Spirit is the deepest peace,joy and touch of God. It is usually found in full surrender of heart. The striving is over, the oppression is broken, the depression is removed! The deep sense of Life Purpose replaces vain and aimless wandering. He removes the burden of sin and we live Light...One sign of a true conversion is deep joy . Another is a craving for the Bible and the things of God. Another is a strong sense "old things have passed away, all things have become new". Our eternal soul is the most important thing to attend to. Everything of this world will eventually pass but our soul is forever. We have been" hard wired" for God to lead our lives. Is it well with your soul? It can be. The Bible says "Call upon the name of the Lord and He will answer!!!"  Salvation is a gift...A gift we must receive.  God Bless all the young people of America...may this be a generation that rises up and says.."Enough Already...I will be sober, live sober and be a man or woman of conviction."  The Bible commands "Be sober, Be vigilant Be strong for your adversary is like a roaring lion, whom resist steadfast in the Faith".  Let us walk the narrow path to life and peace and leave the broad path that leads to destruction. Stay as far away from the cliff as possible! We all have impact on others..may our lives bring light , Truth and great Joy to all we meet. amen...susan shoemaker

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