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merry christmas 2012

Dear Friends and Family near and far, Merry Christmas 2012.....It is December 23rd, and in Norway they call this "Little Christmas Eve". I remember a Christmas spent in far northern Norway..Fauske, the home of my fathers birth. We actually stayed in the old home with relatives and shared Christmas Eve together. I remember trudging through the clean, crisp snow to the Christmas Eve service in the Kirk my father was Christened in. The warm candles glistened through the windows reflecting light  as we walked under the clear starry sky. I am sending love and heartfelt Christmas cheer to all of you from our hearth to yours. Thirty-five years ago Michael and I were engaged  at thanksgiving and shared a very romantic Christmas.I remember ferryboat rides to Pt. Orchard as we visited his family freom our school-life in Seattle. He lived in Ballard and attended SPU and I stayed with an old vintage Italian couple..The Paoluchies (retired bakery shop owners). They had a beautiful old home on Finney Ridge. Michael called them Anna and Pablo. I attended the UW. It seems like yesterday. We were married the following July 7, 1978 at St. Marks Cathedral..Capitol Hill. Father Dennis Bennet married us and became such a close friend to our family. He blessed each of our children in the womb before they were born and officiated a formal houseblessing at two of our homes. Michael had initially proposed  July 7, 1977 at Lake Washington by the lily pads. God gave us seven children and has continued to lead and guide our lives. As I reflect back at our life, our calling has always been to lift up the broken and give hope and Gods love to people in need. Michael started in private Christian Counseling for two non- profit ministries. Burden Bearers Seattle...Alpha Branch in Poulsbo, and then Cornerstone in Federal Way. After completing his masters in counseling, he continued completing his masters of divinity. At this time he served as a hospital chaplain with Love The Neighbor Ministries in Tacoma. We were expecting our sixth child when a door opened for Michael with the Department of Corrections. He became the intake Psychologist for the state of Washington. His specialty became Testing , Evaluation and Placement. Later he worked in other areas..IMU etc. He was invited by Dr. Merrit Lawson to join the staff as seminary professor teaching Biblical Counseling at Covenant Bible Seminary , Tacoma. He completed his Doctorate of Ministry...specialty in Biblical Counseling. He also serves as DMHP for BHR Thurston-Mason County. This position involves going into the community and evaluating people in crisis under the Involuntary Treatment Act. Everyday  when Michael leaves our home, I pray Gods shalom over Thurston-Mason County. I know that God loves each of these people and I pray for God to solve the problems. It is amazing how many times we have witnessed nothing less than miraculous resolving of complicated cases. Jesus commands us to become as little children and simply ask. He longs to help us. My message this Christmas is a message of hope. God writes last chapters! The key to everything is allowing God to love us. To quietly sit and allow his holy spirit to come and cleanse us through the cross...through the blood. We are created in His image to be provided for and protected by our heavenly father. The other key is receiving forgiveness..and releasing all who have offended us by forgiving. The third key to freedom and blessing is" Christ- centered relationships." To serve one another in humility and grace. I believe the greatest thing we can individually do this Christmas is extend Gods loving grace to others. To extend kindness and mercy. To keep a pure heart and pray for God's guidance. My dear mother always said.."forgive everyone, everyday , for everything." This is the key to keeping our joy. When we understand how Christ has forgiven us we want to forgive others. Michael's Biblical Counseling class is centered on these themes. I love reading the papers of his students . The freedom in Christ resulting from applying these and other simple principals from God's word are staggering. I pray we will all pause this Christmas and give the pen to God...allowing Him to write the next chapters of our lives. He is , as Hebrews says..."The Author and Finisher of our Faith."  selah  Blessed New Year to all ...Susan Elizabeth Shoemaker   

puget sound morning..early dawn

The smokey grey clouds reflect in early dawn Puget Sound waters. The bay is like a smooth glass mirror edged in reflected fir trees..swirling clouds...the seagull makes a short cry. The crab boat will soon mysteriously appear and part the waterways in silence. How can I sit and not paint this scene? Soon the lone  Kayaker that faithfully paddles past our house each morning will emerge. The clouds now slowly change formation, the last morning star fades and the sky brightens.....Good Morning. As the old Scandanavian arise early and go outside and say Good Morning to God first. This inland passage called Elb Inlet could be in far northern Norway, southeast Alaska...Scotlands coast. I love my Puget Sound..I love my Islands. I could get in the canoe and literally paddle around the world. That is the  feeling of freedom and liberty  that living on a  bay that connects to oceans gives. Each evening we have a faithful Blue Heron that flutters and croons and silhouettes aginst the massive Madrona tree on our beach. Last week during our Beach Fire I was strumming the guitar. This fabulous bird came closer, closer...stood... listened... fluttered... and flew over us in grand display , as if to say, "I like your song". Western Washington has everything I found and loved in other countries. The British cozy misty days of mues and inspiration toward proes, poetry, fire and brisk tea. It has the Scottish moors and Highlands, Bays and heather,skies of light and glory. Switzerlands alpine splendour. Our Cascade and Olympic Mountain Ranges are unmatched in beauty. Our Pacific Alaska's rugged shore. Fishing, Hiking, The Rain Forrest...nestled between the Historic Lake Quinalt Lodge....and The Lake Crescent Inn. These centennial old destinations breathe history. Teddy Roosevelt and his cousin Franklin all had their hands in these" natural-setting hide-a ways." It is rumoured Winston Churchill also payed his visit. We haven't yet mentioned the beauty of Lake Cushman..true Hiawatha country. The one and only Hood Canal where Bill Gates has his summer house and the old Alderbrook Inn stands facing the Olympic Mountains with the Puget Sound surrounding in breathtaking beauty. We haven't yet spoke of Astoria to the south at the mouth of the columbia River. Next writing we will go East and follow that mighty river..I thank God every day for the beauty that surrounds me. It is God that created this marvel. It is God that maintains it. The sun comes up...the sun goes down! The moon rises ...the tides are obedient...the rivers do not overflow their banks...the sealife is hidden but complex beyond our human comprehension.  I feel like King David..."When I consider your heavens..the works of your fingers...What is man that you are mindful of him? Or the son of man that you visit him? selah...God Bless..... Susan Shoemaker

Two Brother part II

Gudmund and Arne were both Christian gentlemen that worked hard and led their families in Gods way. When I was six years old my sister Nancy and I visited Uncle Gudmund and Aunt Dorothy. My sister and I were on the couch in the living room. I heard my uncle Gudmund reading his Bible aloud and praying loudly with my aunt. These two brothers were not ashamed of their spiritual commitments. When I was in my early twenties and travelling in Europe and singing in various Christian settings I remember my father talking to me abouit Christians that compromise. He emphasized the importance of keeping that close open channel to thge Holy Spirit. He told me clearly every choice we make affects that relationship. Loving God with all our hearts means...all. He said again.."Don't let anyone talk you out of your convictions and beliefs". He always emphasized the deep love of God that fills our hearts when we do what is right. He made me promise him that no matter what other Christians did that I would not touch alcohol. What an amazing experience I had when in a restaurant in Holland with a group of Christians having dinner, I simply said "no Thank-you" when offered wine. It was as if I had dropped a bomb..Reactio! "why?'etc. I simply said "i PROMISED MY FATHER TO NEVER TOUCH IT" Immediately calm...then respect...then "you are lucky to have someone in your life who cares". I have forever been grateful that I can say I also kept my promise to my Dad. I have only been in every conceivable way blessed because of it. The anointing of the Holy Spirit in one's life comes with a cost. That cost is full surrender...Smith Wiggelsworth the famous 19-20th century evangelist said .."I've never seen a man use liquor and keep the anointing....I've never seen a man use tobacco and keep the anointing". The anointing of the Holy  Spirit is the deepest peace,joy and touch of God. It is usually found in full surrender of heart. The striving is over, the oppression is broken, the depression is removed! The deep sense of Life Purpose replaces vain and aimless wandering. He removes the burden of sin and we live Light...One sign of a true conversion is deep joy . Another is a craving for the Bible and the things of God. Another is a strong sense "old things have passed away, all things have become new". Our eternal soul is the most important thing to attend to. Everything of this world will eventually pass but our soul is forever. We have been" hard wired" for God to lead our lives. Is it well with your soul? It can be. The Bible says "Call upon the name of the Lord and He will answer!!!"  Salvation is a gift...A gift we must receive.  God Bless all the young people of America...may this be a generation that rises up and says.."Enough Already...I will be sober, live sober and be a man or woman of conviction."  The Bible commands "Be sober, Be vigilant Be strong for your adversary is like a roaring lion, whom resist steadfast in the Faith".  Let us walk the narrow path to life and peace and leave the broad path that leads to destruction. Stay as far away from the cliff as possible! We all have impact on others..may our lives bring light , Truth and great Joy to all we meet. amen...susan shoemaker

the story of two brothers

In 1923 two norweigan brothers age  eight and ten traveled across the ocean with their family from far northern Norway (FAUSKE) to AMERICA (Tacoma, Wasington). Arne the eldest and Gudmund his younger brother. They were immediately enrolled in the local Roosevelt Grade School. Because they did not speak English, they were both sent to first grade until they were fluent in English. I believe the parents learned through reading the newspaper and local norwegian immigrants who helped each other. Everyone wanted to be American and became citizens as soon as possible. They had a little sister aged five named Ruth. Arne was excited to almost immediately land a job delivering newspapers. He was able to earn enough money to buy clothes for himself and his brother! Yes at ten years of age. In those days it was called "Pedaling Papers". As they became teenagers a wonderful Christian layman named Mr. Vincent beagan a boys brigade at thr local Roosevelt Heights Christian Church. He included wood working skills, long athletic runs across town to Stadium High School and back. He also included Christian Character training and talked to the boys about the power of making commitments. These included living right with a clear conscience, and making a pledge to abstinence from alcohol and tobacco . He explained the health benefits and the spiritual moral results from having a life purpose with Christ at the center. My father (Arne) and his brother took all of this teaching to heart and made serious commitments to Endeavor to walk and conduct their lives in an upright manner. My father truly took this so serious he never touched a drop of liquor in his life. He also never touched any form of nicotine. My father  was a deeply compassionate man and he always had empathy for those who suffered physically. My clearest early childhood memory was my father every morning kneeling in prayer. He was a quiet man and did nothing for show. This was his genuine habit.prayer first with the Bible. I really respected the fact that you could never think of talking my father out of his convictions!

Higher Ground

When choosing friends my beloved late father always advised "associate with those who share your values". He warned beware of thinking you can pull others up if they have chosen a path you do not approve. The likely case is , you will be pulled down. In other words to quote a Biblical proverb.."Bad company corrupts good morals"..or I will know you through the company you keep. Most people do not begin drinking alcohol on their own. Tobacco is rarely sampled without a "friend" offering it. Hence the caution careful who, where you spend your time. I have never met a person proud and excited about being addicted to drink or tobacco. However I have often heard remarks like."He never drinks or smokes..he is clean cut and disciplined." My husband worked as a Psychologist for twenty-four years in the prison. He said often you would hear a guard or even a prisoner speak of a "hypocrite..who called himself a Christian, but smoked and drank etc." It is so sad when I meet Christians pushing alcohol as a liberating experience. They rarely take into account the fact that others with weakness toward such items hear, justify, rationalize..and follow down the road to addictive Hell. Do booze help you become a better parent? Spouse? Are your relationships deepened? How about God? When The Bible admonishes to sober living..awakened state of mind!?  The bottle will destroy you! It will take your sensitivity to the conscience God has given you and numb your heart! It  will destroy your health! You will lose your money to waste. You will hate yourself and have no spiritual strength left to help your fellow traveler. You will lose your compassion for lost souls and live for your own cravings. Your children will lose respect for you and despise your counsel.  Wake Up!!!!The Bible says" he that tarries at the wine is foolish. "  The Bible says" Watch Be sober! Be vigilant for your  adversary the devil is as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour, whom Resist Steadfast in the Faith!" Thomas Edison allowed no scientist in his laboratory who smoked or drank. The smoking he said weakened their perspective in eye-   sight and understanding and drink dulled creativity and mathematical skills. Plus the morality was weakened through substance abuse. God created each human being to be fully alive, creative, inspired, awake and fully engaged in real life. Choose today LIFE! God said through Moses in Deuteronomy..LIFE!!!!!!!! He gave each person the capacity to choose...Don't make excuses! Stand tall and say enough already!!..."As for me and my house we will serve the Lord"!!!(Joshua).  Bow your knee to Christ . He will DELIVER YOU!!!!!Humble yourself before the Lord and He Will Raise you up!!!!!! Stand tall , smile and practice saying"No thank you". Walk away!!! The Bible says RESIST THE DEVIL AND HE WILL FL:EE FROM YOU!!!!!!!!  I dedicate this to my children and grandchildren and all of their friends....Susan Elizabeth Shoemaker 

From The Hearthstone

"If mother is the heart of the home, and mother has left the home, then America has lost it's heart". The hearth has always reflected the center of family life. In WWI there was a song "Keep The Home Fires burning". In other words no matter what is happening around the world, keep a spot for to return to. Really, it is a picture of God's love and warmth for mankind through the ages. In the church...the holy place is the altar. The oil represents the Holy Spirit. From Old Testament times the lamp upon the altar was lit by God. Then the priests were to keep it burning. This involved the morning and evening sacrifices. In the new testament Jesus sends the Holy Spirit to comfort and enlighten our hearts. This again involves daily allowing him to come and fill us, cleanse us,and keep our feet on His righteous path. All through history the home became the center of this . At table or fireside the family gathers with father and mother to observe and keep the family altar. The home was and still is the first church, the first school, the place of industry, duty and emotional stability(love). The power of a Christian home cannot be measured. The ten commandments establish all civilized society. The Lords Prayer teaches hearts to trust and have faith in a loving heavenly father who will supply every need. These two foundations alone remove the pressure of trying to figure out life. When we connect to our earthly and heavenly father there is peace in the soul. Out of these little homes form citizens taught the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you". To learn obedienceto God and duty to your fellow man is the other pillar of a free and noble people. I just completed my Masters of Sivinity in church history. I love the colours in the graduation hood for, purple,and gold. However, I consider my greatest gift from God is Mother-Hood. This is the reason I was born. To participate in Gods first and greatest command to Adam and Eve.."Be Fruitful and Multiply "!!...Repeated again to Noah and his wife and children when the ark landed. The first command..."Be fruitful and Multiply"...this is a song of life. The greatest gift we are given from God is to bring forth life!...Years ago when our sixth child was born (fifth son Gabriel). I wrote "There are two great moments in life; the birth of a child, and singing songs of praise to God!" shoe.......Don't miss out on family altar...and allowing God to give you all of the children he wants you to have....God Bless, Susan Shoemaker

Reflections From The Hearth

It is an early March morning...misty pinks and blues against smokey grey clouds reflect like a mirror on the Puget Sound. Venus and Jupiter...the Pleaiades are moving with the moon in the clear winter skies. The Bible says "The heavens declare the Glory of God, the earth sheweth his handiwork"(Psalms). We are his art project! How big God is...He likens the world to His footstool. It takes one's breath away to contemplate His infinite greatness. Yet, He deeply treasures us, and calls us "His Jewels"(Malachi). We highly recommend a video entitled THE PRIVALAGED PLANET. It has an accompaning video UNLOCKING THE MYSTERIES OF LIFE> The first is the macro heavenly aspects; planets,earth, and how perfectly designed for life etc. The second is a view of the micre; human cell systems, DNA etc. Both are classic and will be enjoyed many times over. My husband just showed them again to the seminary class he teaches. The response was amazing. You can order these through Christian Books .com or 1-800-christian. You won't be sorry! When we see how Big God is and understand His love for us ...suddenly, everything makes sense...selah...Happy March!

Lent 2012

Sitting in church this morning..singing the hymns, hearing the scripture,reciting the Lords Prayer....may these next forty days be time to quietly sit and allow Jesus to love us. This is a season to prepare our hearts to receive all he has for us.

Lilienfelt Abbey..summer 2011..Lower Austria

Dear friends and family...I am finally able to post my summer travel reflections..Booey had the opportunity to attend the summer music academy in Lilienfelt Austria (near Vienna). Her teacher Helen De Pastel goes every year as her daughter Doctor Karen De Pastel is the founder and leader of this Academy. It is a two week musical experience ,basically German speaking, but reflecting Vienna as it is as international as could be imagined. Bulgarians, Russian, Czech, Poles,Ukranian, Hungarian...Asian..etc. We were the only Americans. The setting in the twelfth Century functioning Benedictian Monestary, founded by Bernard of Clarivoiux...includes a castle , a gothic-romanesque cathedral, and a full abbey. Lilienfelt is a sleepy Austrian village set in a valley on a river. The bridge is Roman...the oldest towers in Austria stand as the entrance to the old part of the city. They are of the early middle ages standing against the steep green hills that go straight up around this untouched fragrant lush green strand. The only sound to be heard are the sheep baaing..or an occasional cow bell. Of course the cathedral bells can peel and break the silence. There also is the town clock.

The beauty is so enrapturing...the massive Abbey agaist the towering greenhills...i bought a sketch book and began trying to capture the essence of what my eye could see. Sitting under the trees at the local gasthaus..I attempted...booey encouraged me. Amidst this setting one can hear the singers voices out the windows. Juli from Russia the teacher everyone wants. I know why, his students are unbelievable. His beautiful wife accompanies and it is known ...the charge for private lessons, seperate from the camp one euro a minute! This truly was the summer of Euro! (more on that later).

To properly describe the character of this academy, one must enter the earthy color of a Tolstoy novel. Everyone is there; The Hungarian, the Pole, lots of Russians and Bulgarians. You must complicate this setting with high middle ages and the monastic significance. Now throw in THe Hapsburgs and The Austrian-Hungarian Empire. We can't leave out the organized, intelligent,financially-secure Germans. We stayed in the original ninth century castle..that boasts of a real dungeon. (untouched by modern hands). What we discovered is the middle ages pattern of growth of cities and towns. Usually began with a castle, then a monestary and cathedral, then the village naturally grows u p around these structures.It is the middle ages found on the chess board : the king,queen, bishop, abbot ,knights and many surfs(pawns).

The music academy offered instruction in all stringed instruments,flute, trumpet, piano, pipe organ, harpsichord,vocal...private instruction , and recitals and concerts every evening. The setting with chandeliers and white painted Russian fireplaces set the backdrop in the room called the Kaiser-zsalt where some of the most beautiful music I have ever heard was presented.

My last Sunmday in Lillienfelt we of course went to church in the beautiful is an excerpt from my journal ...

Sunday morning July 17, 2011
While sitting Sunday morning in the Lillienfelt Cathedral...breathing in the Schubert mass in G major..hearing my voice teacher Lilia from Bulgarian weaving her voice with Russian Baritone Juli. All the professors from the camp were standing behind in the organ loft participating in this worship service. Next came an excerpt from Rachmaninoff's Vespers..I scanned the hugh altar with the statue fo king David in Gold standing full life sized on top of the monks organ.The Baroque touches are everywhere laid over the gothic design. All the centuries of worship to God merging together.The highest setting to hear these great works is in a worship service, for this was their original intent. I felt lifted to heavenly spheres of Gods glory and holiness. I whispered a prayer ..Dear God, what is wrong with America? I cannot go back to one more depressing worship services. I saw written before my vivid letters. MEDIOCRITY...this is the sin of America.
It affects every area, from morals, to the way we dress, to what we allow in a church service, to how we serve dinner to our families; to what we prepare,to how we observe the sabbath, to how we treat each other. How do we HONOUR God,ourselves, our fellow-man, our authorities?

Do we use our abundant resources to increase our level of spiritual and cultural (one does affect the other) growth? Almost all great classical music is written from a Christian base, encompassing a world view that involves a striving for excellence with view of the eternal. In the word classical I am including of course Baroque and pre-Baroque. Bach, Beethovan, Mozart Schubert...Can someone raise the bar? It seems only in sports, business etc. do we see, hear lectures on excellence.We must not be silent, or we also will succomb to brain-numbing mediocrity. Bernard of Clairvoux (eleventh cent) founder of this monestary and hundreds like it across Europe...shone as a light of spiritual revival and renewal across the dark ages of hopeless despair . His theme was "WORK AND WORSHIP". This movement was to change history. Really it is a precursor to the reformation. Bernard called for a purifying of the church. His monks established the rescue of hikers with the Saint Bernard dog. They helped the poor, established schools, wrote hymns and lifted the broken from themud puddle of human existence. The flag of Austria was developed, designed and christened in this very monestary. Bernard is attributed to have written the Hymn O Sacred Head Thou Wounded, later used by Bach in the St. Matthews passion. All through History it is the power of one , brave enough to stand and say " enough...this is the truth and I cannot be silent! " excerpt from susan elizabeths journal Lily House 2011...documented today sunday January 29, 2912