Please contact Susan Shoemaker for more information:

If you would like to e-mail me:
Home phone: (360) - 867-9189
Cell phone: (360) - 451 -9285

From The Hearthstone

"If mother is the heart of the home, and mother has left the home, then America has lost it's heart". The hearth has always reflected the center of family life. In WWI there was a song "Keep The Home Fires burning". In other words no matter what is happening around the world, keep a spot for to return to. Really, it is a picture of God's love and warmth for mankind through the ages. In the church...the holy place is the altar. The oil represents the Holy Spirit. From Old Testament times the lamp upon the altar was lit by God. Then the priests were to keep it burning. This involved the morning and evening sacrifices. In the new testament Jesus sends the Holy Spirit to comfort and enlighten our hearts. This again involves daily allowing him to come and fill us, cleanse us,and keep our feet on His righteous path. All through history the home became the center of this . At table or fireside the family gathers with father and mother to observe and keep the family altar. The home was and still is the first church, the first school, the place of industry, duty and emotional stability(love). The power of a Christian home cannot be measured. The ten commandments establish all civilized society. The Lords Prayer teaches hearts to trust and have faith in a loving heavenly father who will supply every need. These two foundations alone remove the pressure of trying to figure out life. When we connect to our earthly and heavenly father there is peace in the soul. Out of these little homes form citizens taught the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you". To learn obedienceto God and duty to your fellow man is the other pillar of a free and noble people. I just completed my Masters of Sivinity in church history. I love the colours in the graduation hood for, purple,and gold. However, I consider my greatest gift from God is Mother-Hood. This is the reason I was born. To participate in Gods first and greatest command to Adam and Eve.."Be Fruitful and Multiply "!!...Repeated again to Noah and his wife and children when the ark landed. The first command..."Be fruitful and Multiply"...this is a song of life. The greatest gift we are given from God is to bring forth life!...Years ago when our sixth child was born (fifth son Gabriel). I wrote "There are two great moments in life; the birth of a child, and singing songs of praise to God!" shoe.......Don't miss out on family altar...and allowing God to give you all of the children he wants you to have....God Bless, Susan Shoemaker

Reflections From The Hearth

It is an early March morning...misty pinks and blues against smokey grey clouds reflect like a mirror on the Puget Sound. Venus and Jupiter...the Pleaiades are moving with the moon in the clear winter skies. The Bible says "The heavens declare the Glory of God, the earth sheweth his handiwork"(Psalms). We are his art project! How big God is...He likens the world to His footstool. It takes one's breath away to contemplate His infinite greatness. Yet, He deeply treasures us, and calls us "His Jewels"(Malachi). We highly recommend a video entitled THE PRIVALAGED PLANET. It has an accompaning video UNLOCKING THE MYSTERIES OF LIFE> The first is the macro heavenly aspects; planets,earth, and how perfectly designed for life etc. The second is a view of the micre; human cell systems, DNA etc. Both are classic and will be enjoyed many times over. My husband just showed them again to the seminary class he teaches. The response was amazing. You can order these through Christian Books .com or 1-800-christian. You won't be sorry! When we see how Big God is and understand His love for us ...suddenly, everything makes sense...selah...Happy March!